How to find an adwords expert

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If you can quickly set up your first campaign, Google AdWords is a much more complex platform than it seems at first glance. From the very beginning, it is necessary to understand the difference between a search with generic keywords, by phrase, exact, or with dynamic terms. Understanding the search network, display network, CPA goals, cost per click, and conversion rate is essential if you want advice on how to improve AdWords. You need to master these concepts at a minimum:

Which keywords will generate sales and which ones will only generate clicks.

How to write ads that attract clicks and turn into sales.

How to track targets and conversions.

How to adjust the bidding to reach your cost-per-acquisition target.

How to group keywords correctly to maximize your return on investment.

If you already have these basics, it’s time to implement more complex tactics to improve your results. We give you 7 advanced tips on AdWords :

use the extension to highlight additional text

The first thing you need to do if you want your AdWords account to go to the next level is to use the Featured Text Ad extension.

This extension will allow you to write a 25-character message to highlight important features or offers. For example :

Free shipping.

Save 50%.

Only 10 units.

24-hour attention.

We are worth the price.

The important thing about these extensions is that they draw attention to important qualities of the product or company, while at the same time offering more space for the advertisement, which increases the share of view and thus the possibility of taking a click. Everybody wins: customers get more details and you can tell why your product or company is the best choice.

To implement the extensions, click on the « Ad Extensions » menu.

Then, under the option « Highlighted Text Extensions

With the « + Extension » button, you can create a new one:

Increases the continuity between keywords, ads and landing pages…

The next tip for improving AdWords is to keep the keyword in force throughout the customer’s journey. For example, if someone searched for adidas running shoes, your ad should mention adidas running shoes and your landing page should also show results with products that are actually adidas running shoes. This will increase the customer’s chances of conversion.

If you want to do an adwords campaign, I recommend you to contact a web agency in Geneva. It will provide you with a better service.

On the other hand, if someone is looking for adidas running shoes and is presented with a generic ad such as running shoes and a landing page with products from another brand, they will most likely leave the site without taking any action: it wasn’t exactly what they needed at the time.

To do this, you need to make sure that your words are grouped into several groups. adidas running shoes should be one group, Nike running shoes another, and so on.

In addition, you need to write ads that match the keyword you are looking for. One way to do this is to use dynamic keyword insertion, of course you need to understand in detail how this works.

Finally, you need to make sure that the home page matches the keyword you are looking for. You will need to create different landing pages that display the results related to the search and the ad. Some platforms allow you to create dynamic landing pages, with which you can easily perform this step.

Make sure that the terms containing your brand have 100% visibility.

This is a common mistake made by advertisers, which they usually forget as one of the advanced AdWords tips. Many think that because they are ranked #1 in organic results, they should not rely on impressions of keywords related to their brand. The problem is that often competitors will be able to use these terms to build word clusters and place ads, which could suppress clicks from the most important customers: those who know you and place your brand directly on Google.

While this may seem redundant and an unnecessary expense, bidding on terms that contain your brand or the name of your products or services is a tactic you will need to implement to maximize your profits, by preventing others from doing so.

Build your own list of negative keywords

Negative words are terms to exclude from your campaigns, the ones you want to avoid. For example, if you only sell women’s shoes, you don’t want your ads to be displayed when someone is looking for men’s shoes. In this case, the negative word would be men. If you only sell men’s sneakers, you don’t want your ad to be displayed when someone is looking for men’s sneakers; you could include the word sport as a negative keyword.

The advantage of negative keywords is that they will allow you to be more specific about the terms in which you want to appear and, in addition, you can make sure that you do not display ads in terms that are unrelated to your offer. So this is one of the tips for improving AdWords that will help you make the most of your budget.

To add negative keywords, log in to your AdWords account, select a campaign, then select a set of ads. Click on Keywords and then click on Negative Keywords ». You can enter some at the campaign level and others at the level of specific ad groups.

I also suggest these websites if you are looking for a web agency in Geneva for your adwords campaigns: https://swisstomato.ch , , et .

Take advantage of site link extensions

Thanks to this extension, you can add links to specific sections of your site :

In the example, each of the links SEO Results, Web Positioning/SEO and Contact Us directs the user to a different landing page in TusClicks.

By doing so, the ad gets a larger share of search results (SERP) and provides clients with links they may find useful for their search terms. However, it should be noted that link extensions will not always be displayed. Google decides when they will be displayed.

To add links to your site, select Ad Extensions and then the Site Links option.

Adjust geo-tagged auctions based on conversion rates

The following advanced tips from AdWords will allow you to adjust bids even by geographic location, based on cities, regions, states, etc., looking for the best conversion for your business.

To do this, the first thing to do is to review the conversions by location. Go to Settings and then Locations. Evaluate the conversions by country; if one country converts better than the other, you can adjust the auction by increasing it by 25%, 50%, etc. On the other hand, if one country performs worse than others, you can reduce the auction if necessary.

You can even view more details by clicking on « View Location Reports » and from there select « What triggered the ad (geographical) » or « Where were the users (user location) ».

From there, you can even zoom in and go further to examine specific cities or regions, among other location criteria. This navigation allows you to adjust the offer in a much more detailed and precise way. In some cases, it will suffice to adjust the auction by country, while in others it will make sense to locate the auction specifically; it all depends on the type of campaign and the time available to the account manager to optimize it.

Develop a retargeting strategy

A quick definition for those unfamiliar with retargeting: this is a method by which you place a tracking cookie on a user’s computer so that you can continue to display advertising to them once they have left your site. You can continue to display targeted ads for 30, 60, or 90 days.

This is a great way to increase conversions because it means that conversions don’t have to happen the first time they visit your site: you can introduce the business at the first click and then track these users as they browse the web with retargeting ads until they are ready to make a purchase.


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